What are the key metrics that we should be looking at on Google Analytics?

What are the key metrics that we should be looking at on Google Analytics?

There are 3 main key metric that I look into

1) Visitors

Amount of unique visitors – Check the amount of visitors like how your would check a person’s heart beat rate. It is essential to know things like when is the peak hour where your customers visit your website or what content they are looking for.  

Page visiting – Get to know what pages/product is your customer currently visiting and what meta search is being use to optimize that page.

Average time spend on site – constantly keep track at the average time spend per visitor.

Bounce Rate – It is also important to know which content produce more bounce rate on the site.

2) Sources

Traffic source – are the majority of your traffic sources direct? Or referrals? Take note of where your visitors come about.

Geo-location – Know who are your visitors and how to make your local customers be more geographically/culturally relevant to your site.

Devices – Know if the visitors use desktop, mobile or tablet?

3) Pages

Keywords – look up for what the visitors search to get to your website.

Audience – Learn what your Visitors (Gender, Location, Age & etc)

Visits – which page is the most visited and analyze its content and meta search.

Stay Fendystatic!

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